B-Europe International ticket office

Victor Hortaplein 11, 1060, Brussel
Victor Hortaplein 11
1060, Brussel
094353 16681


  • maandag: 05:45–21:30
  • dinsdag: 05:45–21:30
  • woensdag: 05:45–21:30
  • donderdag: 05:45–21:30
  • vrijdag: 05:45–21:30
  • zaterdag: 05:45–21:30
  • zondag: 05:45–21:30
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B-Europe International ticket office: Meningen

4.1/5 (7 Meningen)
rony brusseel 7 months ago

Fantastische ervaring: Na een tweede bezoek echt wel goed geholpen. * ster Wat is me dit ? Totale desinteresse van de bediende. Treinreizigers aller landen, veel sterkte aan deze balie

Kelly Greenwood 1 year ago

Negatieve ervaring: Het personeel was zo gemeen, micro-agressief en vooringenomen.

Deze beoordeling is automatisch vertaald. | Bekijk originele tekst
kim greulich 4 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Super helpful staff, responsive, friendly and fast service! I travelled from Frankfurt, Germany to Brussels to go to London St Pancreas with the Eurostar. Unfortunately my DB train from Frankfurt was cancelled and I missed the Eurostar. The next Eurostar was only on the next day. The B-Europe International Train team was super helpful and booked me a room at the Park Inn Radisson for one night right opposite the station, as well as a new Eurostar ticket so I could take the Eurostar the next day. (Special thanks to Regis Ferrucio and his Manager for being so accommodating! I would have had to sleep on the street if it wasn't for them.)

Nas Ser 4 years ago

Positieve ervaring: Slow

W Janssen 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring: Best site in Europe. Actually works. Better than French and German sites. Even for local trips in F and D!

Winnie Sy 5 years ago

Fantastische ervaring:

Axenova Geophette MANOMBA 6 years ago

Fantastische ervaring:

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5 = Uitstekend

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